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About Us

Team Huro was established in 2014 when one of our founders, Mike Huro, was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma. His family, along with some really great friends came together to put on a benefit to help Mike and his wife Carla with mounting medical expenses. In 2015 Mike brought his family and friends together once more. This time not to put on a benefit for him, but to raise money for other cancer patients in our community who could use financial assistance. Team Huro was born.

Team Huro found a wonderful partner in the Buffalo Cancer Foundation through the Buffalo Hospital, in Buffalo MN. This is the same facility where Mike was receiving his treatments. Team Huro has been holding an annual bike run ever since, raising money that specifically goes to the Community Outreach Fund.


What the Community Outreach Fund Does

The dollars that are raised by Team Huro are donated to multiple funds that support the needs of cancer patients in our surrounding communities. The dollars are used to help assist any patient that is currently seeing an oncologist. Whether it be utility bills that need to be paid to keep the lights on at home, or gas cards that need to be purchased to ensure that the patient is able to make it to those life-saving appointments, this fund can help. The money that is donated stays in our community and directly affects our communities.


Thank you to those who year after year come out to our events and continue to support the work that we do, without all of you we would not be able to donate thousands of dollars each year to help people in our very own communities. Thank you for your support, and remember NO ONE FIGHTS ALONE

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